
As Christians, part of our faith is sharing our resources with God and others. Our generosity is out of a response to who God is and what he has done for us.  We give because God first gave to us – by creating us, pouring out his mercy, grace and love on us through his Son, Jesus Christ. (Jn 3:16; Cor 8:9)


E-TRANSFER: please send an e-transfer to

DROP BOX: A drop box is available at the Sanctuary entrance.

DROP OFF: Drop off your envelope Mondays between 7-10am, or in the church mail slot.

MAIL: Mail in your cheque payable to Discovery Community Church to:

      Discovery Community Church: ATTN: Christina, 250 10th Ave. Campbell River, BC, V9W 4E3

Please note that when any given need has been met or where projects cannot be reasonably carried out, the donor agrees that designated gifts may be used where needed.