Mission, Vision, Values

Out of our love for God and love for people, we exist:
To be a community of growing disciples that make disciples.
A loving family of Jesus Followers from all ages, cultures, and socio-economic conditions, fulfilling our mission together through biblical community.
Core Values
Utter Dependance on God
We are led by Christ, the Head of the Church, and submit to Him in everything.
We believe that Jesus is Lord of our individual lives, and Lord of His church (Eph. 4:15-16, Col. 1:18). Because God is in control and we will follow His leading. We will submit our desires and preferences to His will revealed by the Holy Spirit in scripture and through prayer, interpreted in community. We will give all things to Christ in Prayer and we will listen to His leading in our lives and in the church.
We rest in and offer God’s grace
To all who seek grace, in humility and repentance, grace is freely and generously given. We will model intentional grace-giving and grace-receiving. We recognize God’s costly, yet free, gift of grace and as such we will never call sin ok, or minimize the immeasurable cost of God’s grace, but we will also never create human barriers for those who truly desire forgiveness and grace.
Loving People
We will value all people, because God values all people
We see all people as significant, valued and loved by God. As His church, what matters to God, matters to us. We will love and serve all people, helping them to know and follow Jesus.
We will create a safe community for all people to belong
We recognize that before someone investigates and grows in following Jesus, they need to feel safe and cared for. We will invite all people to find belonging in community within Discovery, nurturing and caring for one another as a healthy family.
Biblically Equipped
We will equip and empower all people to Follow Jesus
We will create simple and attainable biblical discipleship pathways, ministry opportunities, and leadership development so that the entire body of Christ may glorify God. Our preaching and teaching is based and rooted in scripture, and we encourage each other to be in scripture, meditating on what God is saying through the Bible. (Eph.4:11-15).
We believe that everyone has something to contribute
God has given each persons personality, passions, experiences and talents to be used for His glory. We will foster a culture that values contributors, not consumers.
Relational Disciple Making
We will praise authenticity over perfection
We value people being real with one another because it brings freedom from secrets unhealthy habits. We recognize that all people have messy lives and no one is perfect on this side of eternity.
We take a posture of learners
We recognize that each of us is on a journey to discover and follow Christ more fully. As such, we push against the ‘subject matter expert, student/teacher dichotomy ’ model of teaching and instead take a humble posture of people who will learn and teach the Word of God together in community, acknowledging that growing in Christ is a lifetime process.
Discipleship is best done in relationship
A safe and trusting relationship is the best environment for people to grow in their relationship with God. We will foster safe small groups and mentoring relationships that allow people to be themselves while growing in their walk with Jesus.
Sacrificial Generosity
We will be generous with what we value, because we value Christ even more
We see ourselves as stewards of God’s finances, property, time and people. We will hold these with open, generous hands so that we are quick to follow the leading of a generous God.
We will resist personal comfort for the sake of the Kingdom of God
We acknowledge the temptations of comfort and preference that can lead to weak and safe decisions. We lay down our own comforts and preferences for the sake of reaching a hurting and broken world with the radical love of Jesus.